----- Original Message -----
Subject: ID the man
From: B Irwin
To: Harold Alston
Sent: 11/5/2004 8:32:13 AM
Hello Mr. Alston,
Can you ID the pilot sitting next to Roy Blakeley? I sent this to several F104 pilots but left you out! My failure.
Gary Blake believes it is you. Can you confirm or deny?
Bob Irwin
Subject: ID the man
From: "B Irwin"
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 15:28:41 -0500
To: "'Larry Blakeley'"
Two old F104C drivers (Gary Blake and Mike Vivian) have emailed me and they said the unidentified individual is Harold Alston.
I am a tad busy at the moment to discuss what I do, etc. but I'll get back to you in a little while.
The whole F104 era seems to be non-existent in the eyes of the USAF. Very sad I say. More later!
Bob Irwin
File Name: email_from_bob_irwin20041105_2.txt
Subject: ID the man
From: Larry Blakeley
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 14:59:18 -0600
To: Johnnye Blakeley
CC: Bob Irwin
Mother - apparently this is 1st Lt. Harold R. Alston - I have him listed on the this image of the 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron - as of June, 1965 File Name: special_order_7_19650615
That would make sense because he does look pretty young.
Love - Larry
File Name: email_to_johnnye_blakeley20041105.txt
-----Original Message-----
Subject: RE: ID the man
From: Harold Alston
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 6:54 PM
To: B Irwin
You are in luck because I have the very same picture in my combat diary. It is I, Harold Alston, a 1/Lt at the time, at Da Nang AB, Viet Nam in 1965. I was also flying Roy's wing when he crashed at Chu Lai and was killed. Thanks for including me on your addressees. Best wishes to you and all F-104 pilots.
----- Original Message -----
Subject: RE: ID the man
From: B Irwin
To: "Harold Alston"
Sent: 11/5/2004 6:01:58 PM
Super! Thanks Sir.
I wonder if his son Larry is aware, you were flying Roy's wing? Larry is developing an interesting Web site about his father and mother.
His email is Larry Blakeley larry@larryblakeley.com I am sure he'd appreciate correspondence from you.
If you ever find the time to scan any of your F104 pictures, I'd really enjoy to include them in my growing Starfighter archives. And if you're interested, I can send a CD of my collection's so far.
Bob Irwin
Subject: ID the man
From: "Harold Alston"
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 15:27:02 -0700
To: larry@larryblakeley.com
I am forwarding this suggestion from Bob Irwin to contact you regarding your father. I was flying Roy's wing on his fatal combat mission. I also was the first pilot in the squadron to visit with your mother and Roy's parents about the mission when I returned to George AFB after our tour at Da Nang. You should know, that I enjoyed Roy as my Flight Commander and had great respect for him. I deeply share your loss.
Harold Alston, Lt Col, USAF, Retired, Salt Lake City, Utah
File Name: email_from_harold_alston20041108.txt
Subject: ID the man
From: Larry Blakeley
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 18:35:29 -0600
To: "Lt. Colonel Harold Alston"
Thanks, for the email.
It appeared that you possibly were in that flight - upon reading your email to Bob Irwin.
I am delighted that you contacted me - and, was really hoping that you would.
My father loved his fellow pilots, as he loved his family - and, I know why he felt that way about these men in his life - which compelled me to put together this Web site in honor of this "breed" of men that meant so much to him...
Best Regards,
File Name: email_to_harold_alston20041108.txt