Entrance Gate: George Air Force Base, Victorville, California (1963)
In April, 1962 my father was assigned to the 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron; 479th Tactical Fighter Wing; George Air Force Base; Victorville, California. There he trained to fly the F-104C Starfighter.
We arrived by ocean liner from England after being stationed at Lakenheath Air Force Base since January 1960. After a week-long voyage we docked at the harbor of New York City, picked up the Ford Taurus station wagon, loaded it up, and headed west across America for a sightseeing tour.
Patch: 479th Tactical Fighter Wing, George Air Force Base, Victorville, California
Patch: F-104 Starfighter
Patch: 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 479th Tactical Fighter Wing, George Air Force Base, Victorville, California
Official USAF Photo: "TAC'S FAMILY OF AIRCRAFT" (April 1962)
Official USAF Photo; Aircraft Names: "TAC'S FAMILY OF AIRCRAFT" (April 1962)
Tactical Air Command's Family of Aircraft
(reading from one o'clock, clockwise)
On Sept. 18, 1962, the USAF and U.S. Navy aircraft designation systems were combined into a single scheme resulting in the F-1 to F-11. The USAF F-110A and U.S. Navy F4H-1 became F-4C and F-4B, respectively.
"Deep Sea Survival Training Certificate"; Captain Roy J. Blakeley; Langley Air Force Base, Virginia (May 26, 1962)
On the 26th day of May, 1962, Captain Roy J. Blakeley was presented with a certificate from the Tactical Air Command for his completion of a "Deep Sea Survival Training" course. This was a 40-hour course that he completed at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia.
F-104 Starfighter Pilots: Roy ("Bud") Jameson; Roy Blakeley; Brooks Morris; Fred Alvord; Morris ("Brownie") Parker; 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 479th Tactical Fighter Wing, Moron Air Base; Spain
Captain Roy J. Blakeley outfitted with moonsuit helmet and G-suit; Moron Air Base, Spain (TDY: 1962)
Captain Roy J. Blakeley outfitted with moonsuit helmet and G-suit; Moron Air Base, Spain (TDY: 1962)
This TDY to Moron Air Base, Spain was a long one. It lasted 110 days from July 8, 1962–December 15, 1962.
Johnnye Blakeley working on shadow-box-gifts project; George Air Force Base, Victorville, California
Johnnye Blakeley; George Air Force Base, Victorville, California
Capain Roy J. Blakeley Family, Easter Sunday; March 29, 1964; Roy (35 years old); Johnnye (28 years old); Larry (10 years old); Karen (8 years old); Sharon (7 years old); George Air Force Base, Victorville, California
The San Bernardino County Sun; San Bernardino, California; 11 Nov 1964, Wed; Page 13
Larry J. Blakeley and Buttermilk (Dale Evans' horse; Stables located at Roy Rogers' Apple Valley Inn, Apple Valley, California
Roy Rogers and Trigger
Roy Rogers and Trigger
Roy Rogers and Trigger
In November 1964, one of my childhood heroes—hard-riding, straight-shooting "King of the Cowboys," Roy Rogers, signed a 25-year lease of the Apple Valley Inn with the owners, Long Beach oilmen Newton T. Bass and Bernard "Bud" Westlund (Apple Valley Ranchos Land Development Company). The inn's name was then changed to the Roy Rogers' Apple Valley Inn.
On film, he always wore a white ten-gallon hat, rode a palomino horse and displayed a sunny disposition, and he was quick to sing a song. He never started a fight but never lost one, either. He also never kissed a woman. His westerns were good, solid, family entertainment. He was notoriously critical of contemporary film, especially westerns, for their violence and sexually explicit scenes. He summed it up with the statement, "Today, there are some movies I wouldn't take Trigger to see."
So, I was really excited when my mother told me he was going to be close to the base. She took me out there to meet him at the Inn one day. We just showed up at the Inn and he came out of the lounge area into the hallway just to say "hello" to us—unbelievable! That's a tribute to the kind of person he was. He startled me a bit. He was wearing some sort of contraption holding his neck and head upright. I now know he had surgery at UCLA Medical Center the prior August to correct a fused vertebra in his neck which required the neck brace. He had injured it in a fall from his horse 10 years prior.
What I also know now is that, sadly, while he was still in the hospital recuperating, his adopted Korean-born daughter, Deborah Lee Rogers, who had just turned 12 years old the prior Friday, was killed, along with 6 others, in a church bus crash on Monday, August 17, 1964. The church bus was returning from Tijuana, Mexico loaded with 65 persons, 42 of which were children. They had been on a monthly outing to take food and clothing to La Esperanza, a Tijuana orphanage that the church (Disciples of Christ Chapel of the Canyon Church at Canoga Park, CA) had aided. The following year in October, their 18-year-old adopted son, John choked to death while serving in the Army in Germany.
The movie-performer Trigger (July 4, 1934—July 3, 1965) did not make the trip to Apple Valley at that time, but rather later. He died and went to "horse-heaven" on July 3, 1965 (30 years old) while at the Rogers’ ranch in Apple Valley. The taxidermied Trigger ended up being put on display at the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Museum in Apple Valley. Trigger, Jr. (1941–3 Jul 1969; 27–28 years old) was at the stables. Trigger Jr. was not Trigger’s son and did not do any of the movies. He did personal appearances. I got to pet him and Dale Evans' buckskin Quarter Horse, Butermilk (April 13 1941–October 7 1972).
I also remember going into the stables. A friend of mine named George had come along. We fed the horses sugar cubes and apparently, instead of cupping the sugar cube in the palm of his hand, George must have tried to feed one of the horses with the sugar cube held with his fingers—and he got bit, and bit pretty good from the screaming he was making.
Roy Rogers (Original Name: Leonard Franklin Slye)
(5 Nov 1911–6 Jul 1998; 86 years old)
Burial: Sunset Hills Memorial Park, Apple Valley, San Bernardino County, California Find A Grave Memorial
AF Form 77 (Letter of Evaluation; Captain Roy J. Blakeley; 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 479th Tactical Fighter Wing, George Air Force Base, Victorville, California
AF FORM 77 (LETTER OF EVALUATION; Captain Roy J. Blakeley, George Air Force Base, Victorville, California):
FACTS AND SPECIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS: During the reporting period, Capt Blakeley has consistently proven himself a superior Air Force officer. His pilot ability is strictly, ”top Drawer” & he proved his gunnery ability by winning a wing-wide competition in Oct 1964 which covered two nuclear & four conventional ordnance delivery events. He has a wealth of fighter experience gained in TAC & SAC, stateside & overseas, which lends emphasis to any suggestions or instructions he offers contemporaries or subordinates. In his secondary duty, Capt Blakeley’s initiative and devotion to duty leave nothing to be desired; his ability to plan ahead and effectively attend to details are gratifying to his superiors. He actively seeks responsibility, & tasks assigned are always completed with desired results. Typical of the trust placed in him was a recently levied wing-assignment to research & further develop a light installation on the F-104 which will facilitate night formation flying. His supervision of maintenance personnel & his personal efforts, which required considerable extra-duty night hours, have produced results which appear to be acceptable as an aircraft modification. In Aug 1964, when this sqdn was alerted for deployment to PACAF, Capt Blakeley was unexpectedly required to shoulder all the responsibilities of Ops Officer. He fulfilled these in a most commendable manner. In Feb 64, while the sqdn was on temporary duty with ADC at Homestead AFB, Fla he performed as Ops Officer for a four weeks period. His contribution to the trng program to indoctrinate ADC pilots in gunnery & associated combat tactics in the F-104 recieved [sic] favorable comment from the 319 FIS supervisory personnel.
STRENGTHS: Capt Blakeley possesses the qualities of a "whole" Air Force officer: his excellent pilot ability is recognized by contemporaries & supervisors, this is counterbalanced with the ability to perform equally well in nonflying duties.
SUGGESTED ASSIGNMENTS: He should attend Cmd & Staff School at the earliest possible date & return to a fighter organization for assignment in Ops area at sqdn or any higher level.
AF Form 77 (Letter of Evaluation; Captain Roy J. Blakeley; 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 479th Tactical Fighter Wing, George Air Force Base; Victorville, California
Trophy: Capt. Roy J. Blakeley; Top Gun; 479th Tactical Fighter Wing; Turkey Shoot IV (March 10, 1964)
436th Tactical Fighter Squadron ("Black Aces"), 479th Tactical Fighter Wing, George Air Force Base, Victorville, California (1965)
436th Tactical Fighter Squadron ("Black Aces"), 479th Tactical Fighter Wing, George Air Force Base, Victorville, California (1965) in front of F-104C (56-0911):
Front row (left to right): 1/Lt John D. Olson (holding banner); Captain Roy J. Blakeley (behind the 436 number); 1/Lt Mike A. Korte; Captain Morris B. ("Brownie") Parker III; Captain Walter B. ("Walt") Harris; Captain William ("Willy") Utterbach; Captain John M. Hammar; Sgt (holding banner)
Back row (left to right): Major Eusebio Arriaga (Squadron Commander); Major Charles W. Ward; Maint Sgt; Captain Ira L. Kimes; Captain Larry R. Shassetz; Captain Luther T. Harvey; Captain Howard E. Sargent, Jr.; Captain Richard A. ("Bink") Bianckino; Captain Charles E. A. Van Duren; Captain Boris D. ("Denny") Klem; unknown pilot; Captain Stephen M. (“Steve”) Korcheck; 3 Sgts.
Colonel Howard C. (“Scrappy”) Johnson (sitting on wing) (2 Feb 1920–9 Dec 2020; 100 years old)
Captain Walter B. ("Walt") Harris; Exercise Polar Strike; Eielson Air Force Base; Alaska (January 1965); Photographer: Captain Roy J. Blakeley
"Exercise Polar Strike: George Units Head for Alaska Sunday"; The San Bernardino County Sun; San Bernardino, California; Thu, Jan 21, 1965; Page 17
GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE Deployments will begin Sunday for 172 men slated to participate In Exercise Polar Strike with the 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron at Eielsun AFB. Alaska.
Eighteen Lockheed F-104 Starfighters from the 436th will fly the 2,354 miles non-stop with three in-flight refuelings. The trip is expected to take five hours and 10 minutes, according to Lt. Col. Harlan E. Hall, commander of the squadron.
Col. Ball will act as commander of the George AFB contingent while at Eielson. The Starfighers will play a double role in the joint Army Air Force polar exercise by flying both as "aggressor" and "friendly" forces. The flight to Alaska will be made in four cells of aircrafts, six planes per cell. They will take off in 30-minute intervals.
Also participating in the exercise, besides Tactical Air Command units, will be aircrews and aircraft from Military Air Transport Service (MATS), Alaskan Air Command, the U.S. Army and units from the Canadian Army and Air Force.
For MATS, Polar Strike preparations have been under way since Jan. 3, when the first of some 12,000 Army troops and nearly 10,000 tons of equipment were airlifted to McChord AFB, near Tacoma, Wash., from posts throughout the United States. The main body of troops and equipment will be flown to Alaska from McChord on Jan. 24. Some 52 MATS aircraft are scheduled to fly more than 800 missions.
Commanding the 20,000 man exercise will be Col. P. D. Mascot from Headquarters, Twelfth Air Force. He will also be in command of the Tactical Air Control Center.
During the mock war, the George-based planes will conduct simulated nuclear, biological and chemical air drops in addition to the normal strafing and bombing runs.
Support personnel from this base who will be traveling to Alaska have been issued cold weather gear including thermal underwear, arctic boots with four pairs of socks and felt insoles, fur caps and lined suits. The field uniform will be the new TAC fatigues with blue scarf and jump boots.
Col. Ball reported in a briefing that the average temperature at Fairbanks, near Eielson, is minus eight degrees. Lately, however, temperatures as low as minus 60 have been recorded.
"Exercise Polar Strike: George Units Head for Alaska Sunday"; The San Bernardino County Sun; San Bernardino, California Thu, Jan 21, 1965; Page 17
Captain Roy J. Blakeley: Return to George Air Force Base, Victorville, California from Exercise Polar Strike at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska (February 1965)
Major General Lucias D. Clay, deputy commander for 12th Air Force, toured deployed force of 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 479th Tactical Fighter Wing, George Air Force Base, Victorville, California; The San Bernardino County Sun; San Bernardino, California; 06 Feb 1965, Sat; Page 10
"GENERAL VISITS—Major General Lucias D. Clay, right, deputy commander for 12th Air Force, toured deployed forces of 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron recently at George Air Force Base. At left are Lt. Col. Harlan K. Hall, commander of the forces, and Col. Carmel M. Shook, vice commander of the 479th Tactical Fighter Wing."
Capt. Blakeley taxiing his F-104 Starfighter to the ramp at McCord Air Force Base; Washington (May 1965)
"George Jets Support Army At Ft. Lewis"
—Ten of the world’s fastest tactical jet fighters are currently flying far from the customary California skies.
These are sleek F-104 Starfighters of the 479th Tactical Fighter Wing, framed by the rugged beauty of the Pacific Northwest as they carry out ground support missions for the 4th Infantry Division at For I Lewis, Wash.
The George AFB contingent of 11 pilots and 52 maintenance personnel flew to McChord AFB Wash., in the Puget Sound area early in April to carry out one of the 479th TFW’s primary missions: close air support for ground troops as part of the U.S. Strike Command.
The Starfighter pilots and their complement of support personnel will remain at McChord AFB until May 8.
One F104 can carry as much potential firepower as all of the bombs dropped in Europe during World War II.
Commanding the George AFE detachment at McChord AFB is Maj. Earl Pitts."
Earl Wayne "Snake" Pitts
(3 Jul 1925–23 Apr 2018; 90 years old)
Burial: Idaho State Veterans Cemetery, Boise, Ada County, Idaho Find A Grave Memorial
This is a newspaper clipping from the George Air Force Base newspaper showing Capt. Blakeley taxiing his F-104 Starfighter to the ramp at McCord Air Force Base, Washington. He was sent there to carry out ground support missions for the 4th Infantry Division at Fort Lewis, Washington as part of the U.S. Strike Command in the Puget Sound area. He was one of eleven pilots of the 479th Tactical Fighter Wing from George AFB sent there.
"THIS WAY IN—Sleek F104 Starfighter taxies into place on McChord AFB runway in Washington as Airman 1.C. Robert Lazar guides in Capt. Roy Blakely [sic]. It's one of ten [eleven?] F104s from George AFB on Washington maneuvers in conjunction with U.S. Army at Ft. Lewis."
Special Order No. 7 (Precursor to Da Nang, South Vietnam Assignment): 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron; 479th Tactical Fighter Wing; George Air Force Base; Victorville, CA (June 15, 1965)
436th Tactical Fighter Squadron (TAC) United States Air Force George Air Force Base, California
Special Order No. 7
15 June 1965
1. Special Order 22, 7 Dec 1964, pertaining to Maj Eusebio Arriaga, 38463A, and 26 other officers, designating flight positions, is hereby rescinded.
2. The following named officers, this unit, are appointed to positions as indicated in F-104C/D Aircraft, and related ground duties.
Major Eusebio Arriaga (ASFN 38463A) Major Ira L. Kimes, Jr. (AFSN 19573A) Major Charles W. Ward (AFSN 52790A) Captain James R. Alexander (AFSN A03035425) Captain Richard A. Bianckino (AFSN 27174A) Captain Roy J. Blakeley (AFSN 45482A) Captain Willard A. Dillon (AFSN A03035032) Captain John H. Gale, Jr. (AFSN 46896A) Captain John M. Hammar (AFSN 03056709) Captain Walter B. Harris (AFSN A02228133) Captain Stephen M. Korcheck (AFSN 67414A) Captain Mike A. Korte (AFSN A03081335) Captain Willard R. MacFarlane (AFSN 59308A) Captain John D. Olson (AFSN A03065381) Captain Morris B. Parker III (AFSN 57571A) Captain Howard E. Sargent, Jr. (AFSN A03008113) Captain Larry R. Shassetz (AFSN A03066266) Captain J. Lynn Symonds (AFSN A01910549) Captain James J. Torson (AFSN 65319A) Captain Charles E. A. Van Duren (AFSN 30641A) 1st Lieutenant Harold R. Alston (AFSN 76747A)
Colonel Howard C. Johnson (AFSN 13219A) Captain Luther T. Harvey (AFSN 56708A) Captain Harris W. Kirk (AFSN A03066336) Captain Boris D. Klem (AFSN 03065879) Captain Charles O. Lescher, Jr. (AFSN 57038A)
All of the above named officers are qualified to act as Mobile Control Officer.
Eusebio Arriaga Major, USAF Commander
436th Tactical Fighter Squadron; 479th Tactical Fighter Wing members as of 15 June 1965
United States Air Force
George Air Force Base, California
Known Living Status as of May 25, 2021
Major Eusebio ("Zeb") Arriaga (ASFN 38463A)
(3 Jun 1919–21 May 2011; 91 years old)
Burial: Hailey Cemetery, Hailey, Blaine County, Idaho Find A Grave Memorial
Major Ira L. (“Iwo”) Kimes, Jr. (AFSN 19573A)
(19 Jan 1928–27 Nov 2020; 92 years old)
Burial: National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona Find A Grave Memorial
Major Charles W. Ward (AFSN 52790A)
(14 Jun 1924–29 Nov 2007; 83 years old)
Burial: Sunland Memorial Park, Sun City, Maricopa County, Arizona Find A Grave Memorial
Captain James R. Alexander (AFSN A03035425)
Captain Richard A. ("Bink") Bianckino (AFSN 27174A)
(27 Apr 1933–15 Nov 1990; 57 years old)
Burial: Unknown
Captain Roy J. Blakeley (AFSN 45482A)
(10 Dec 1928–22 Jul 1965; 36 years old)
Burial: Belvieu Cemetery, Rotan, Fisher County, Texas Find A Grave Memorial
Captain Willard A. ("Matt") Dillon (AFSN A03035032)
(14 Nov 1931–26 Nov 2015; 84 years old)
Burial: Jacksonville National Cemetery, Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida Find A Grave Memorial
Captain John H. ("Jack") Gale, Jr. (AFSN 46896A)
(23 Jul 1930–3 Jan 2014; 83 years old)
Burial: Williamsburg UMC Memorial Garden, Williamsburg City, Virginia Find A Grave Memorial
Captain John M. Hammar (AFSN 03056709)
(17 Dec 1931–24 Oct 2010; 78 years old)
Burial: Fort Snelling National Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota Find A Grave Memorial
Captain Walter B. ("Walt") Harris (AFSN A02228133)
(12 Dec 1929–6 Apr 2002; 72 years old)
Burial: Sunset Cemetery, Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina Find A Grave Memorial
Captain Stephen M. Korcheck (AFSN 67414A)
(2 Jul 1937)
Captain Mike A. Korte (AFSN A03081335)
(18 Jan 1933–16 Nov 2002; 69 years old)
Burial: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia Find A Grave Memorial
Captain Willard R. ("Dick") MacFarlane (AFSN 59308A)
(1 Sep 1936–3 Aug 1992; 55 years old)
Burial: Washington Heights Memorial Park, South Ogden, Weber County, Utah Find A Grave Memorial
436th Tactical Fighter Squadron; 479th Tactical Fighter Wing members as of 15 June 1965
United States Air Force
George Air Force Base, California
Known Living Status as of May 25, 2021
Captain John D. Olson (AFSN A03065381)
(1 Oct 1935–21 May 2000; 64 years old)
Burial: State Veterans Cemetery, Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut Find A Grave Memorial
Captain Morris B. "Brownie" Parker III (AFSN 57571A)
(3 Nov 1934)
Captain Howard E. Sargent, Jr. (AFSN A03008113)
(9 Apr 1929–15 Mar 2002; 72 years old)
Burial: Black Hills National Cemetery, Sturgis, Meade County, South Dakota Find A Grave Memorial
Captain Larry R. Shassetz (AFSN A03066266)
(16 Jan 1935–17 Aug 1994; 59 years old)
Burial: Louis B Hazelton Memorial Cemetery, Buckeye, Maricopa County, Arizona Find A Grave Memorial
Captain J. Lynn Symonds (AFSN A01910549)
(22 Mar 1928–18 Apr 2003; 75 years old)
Burial: Unknown
Captain James J. Torson (AFSN 65319A)
(8 Nov 1932–23 Sep 1966; 33 years old)
Burial: Willamette National Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon Find A Grave Memorial
Captain Charles E. A. Van Duren (AFSN 30641A)
(8 Apr 1930–8 Mar 1990; 59 years old)
Burial: Pilgrim Home Cemetery, Holland, Ottawa County, Michigan Find A Grave Memorial
1st Lieutenant Harold R. Alston (AFSN 76747A)
(26 Feb 1936)
Colonel Howard C. Johnson (AFSN 13219A)
(2 Feb 1920–9 Dec 2020; 100 years old)
Burial: Unknown
Captain Luther T. Harvey (AFSN 56708A)
(19 Oct 1933–10 Feb 1972; 38 years old)
Burial: Garden of Memories Cemetery, Sweetwater, Nolan County, Texas Find A Grave Memorial
Captain Harris W. Kirk (AFSN A03066336)
(9 Oct 1935—6 Oct 2006; 70 years old)
Burial: Heritage Gardens, Niceville, Okaloosa County, Florida Find A Grave Memorial
Captain Boris D. Klem (AFSN 03065879)
(18 Oct 1934)
Captain Charles O. Lescher, Jr. (AFSN 57038A)
(11 Sep 1933)
Special Order TA 1100 dated June 22, 1965; Da Nang Air Base; South Vietnam Assignment; Advance Party of the 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron; 479th Tactical Fighter Wing; George Air Force Base; Victorville, CA; Front Page
This advance group of pilots of the 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron; 479th Tactical Fighter Wing; George Air Force Base; Victorville, CA received this Travel Authorization ("TA") directive. The Da Nang Air Base, South Vietnam ended up being the final destination.
831st Combat Support Group (TAC)
United States Air Force
George Air Force Base, California 92393
Special Order TA 1100
June 22, 1965
Itinerary: The following named officers and/or airmen, organizations indicated, TAC, this stn will proceed on or about 23 June 65, from this stn to Hickam Hawaii, PACAF as may be directed, (variation of itinerary authorized), on TDY for approximately 120 days for the purpose of performing an operational mission (assigned mission is not a maneuver as defined in Part Two, Chapter 4, Section D, AFM 177-103) and upon completion will return to this stn..."
Advance Party - (Aircrews & Spare Aircrews)
Major Eusebio Arriaga (ASFN 38463A)
Captain Richard A. Bianckino (AFSN 27174A)
Captain Roy J. Blakeley (AFSN 45482A)
Captain Howard E. Sargent, Jr. (AFSN A03008113)
Captain J. Lynn Symonds (AFSN A01910549)
Spare Aircrews:
Captain Morris B. Parker III (AFSN 57571A)
Captain James J. Torson (AFSN 65319A)
The remainder of the squadron arrived at Da Nang on the 11th of July, 1965, according to the following remark made by my father, as follows:
"Well the gang arrived today..." - Letter from Roy J. Blakeley to Johnnye Blakeley (July 11, 1965); Page One
Special Order TA 1100 dated June 22, 1965; Da Nang Air Base; South Vietnam Assignment; Advance Party of the 436th Tactical Fighter Squadron; 479th Tactical Fighter Wing; George Air Force Base; Victorville, CA; Back Page